The #GG21 CCN Climate Solutions Round reviews are complete and we are excited to welcome 70 impactful Climate Solutions Grantees into the round. You can find the GG21 Grant Review Process here.
As a reminder, there are three key reasons why the Climate Coordination Network (CCN) team is continuing to increase our use of impact metrics and measurement tools:
- To ensure that we can attract more matching funds for future climate rounds;
- To help validate impact claims and help grantees showcase real-world climate impact
- For grantees, CCN and the wider public to understand the impact of your projects which is crucial for making informed decisions, ensuring the effectiveness of our actions and creating a tangible difference in addressing climate change
Projects with a score of 1 or less did not pass the First Gate in the review process.
GG21 Key Changes
In order to provide more funds to impactful climate projects, the CCN team is trying something new for GG21. Here are the key changes:
- Eligibility Criteria: Please read the updated GG21 Eligibility Criteria carefully. Note that applicants who participated in GG20 must have at least 2 milestones and updates in their GG20 KarmaGap profile.
- Round Limit: The Climate Solutions round will be limited to 70 grantees maximum as determined by a ranking of project review scores.
- No Appeal Process: Note that because of the new impact ranking and limit of 70 projects in the #GG21 climate round, there is no longer a Climate Solutions Round appeal process. Grantees who aren’t in the top 70 ranking are encouraged to apply again next round and we’ve included some suggestions below on how to improve future applications.
- Project Reviews: Reviewers will score projects based on their application, Karma GAP milestones and updates, impact metrics and other information. Learn more about the GG21 Grant Review Process.
💡 Didn’t Make It Into #GG21? How to Improve Your Application to Future Rounds
Thank you to everyone who applied to the #GG21 Climate Solutions round. If you did not make it into the top 70 ranking in terms of impact for #GG21, we encourage you to apply to the next round (just a reminder, there is no appeals process for this round due to the impact ranking and 70 project limit).
Here are some suggestions for improving your application to future rounds:
- Be sure to include a detailed and high-quality description of your climate impact and your project’s scalability including metrics
- Post milestones and updates in your KarmaGAP profile that showcase your work and accomplishments.
- Include a summary of the qualifications of your team members and why your team is qualified to achieve the goals of your project
- Include a clear Roadmap with what you plan to do with the funding so that we can better evaluate your climate impact and potential
#GG21 Resources
- Join the CCN Weekly X Spaces each Thursday at 1 pm EDT for the latest updates and shill sessions
- Check out the CCN Climate Solutions Portal. This is your best source for events, reference documentation and round details. You’ll also find the CCN Feedback Form that you can always fill out with any suggestions and ideas
- Visit to find round information from Gitcoin
- Join our CCN Telegram Group. This is the best place for discussion and questions with the CCN team and climate grantees regarding the Climate Solutions Round.