Application Questions

Applications can be submitted here:

These are the questions you will have to answer in order to submit to this round Epoch 7 Themed Climate Round.

General Project Information

This section is for your project information. You can tell us more about your team in the

next section.

-Project Name (required)

-Project Website (required)

-Project Twitter/X (optional)

-Project Farcaster (optional)

-Project LinkedIn (optional)

-Project Community Space - Telegram/Discord/Other (optional)

Project Category

-This round is focused on four specific categories of projects. What is your project

focused on? NOTE: Should your project fit into multiple categories, please

choose the one most applicable to your work. (required)

-Renewable Energy: Projects aimed at advancing clean energy solutions.

-Infrastructure: Oracles, dMRV, and other key tools that focus on accelerating climate solutions and/or lowering or removing GHGs.

-Nature-Based/Ocean-Based Solutions: Efforts to harness natural

processes for environmental restoration and protection.addressing marine conservation and sustainable use of ocean resources.

-Climate Adaptation/Climate Resilience: Solutions to help communities and ecosystems adapt to climate change.

Project Founding Information

In this climate round, we require the project to be at least one year old. Exceptions may

be made on a case-by-case basis.

-Please list the date your project was founded, provide a brief project history, and include any applicable links. If your project is less than one year old, please tell us why we should consider it. You can also upload any documentation below. (required)

-Upload any documentation that verifies the age of the project. (optional)

Project Service Area

What country or countries does your project serve? (required)

Additional Project Information

-Project GitHub (optional)

-Project KarmaGAP Profile Link - (optional)

-List of deployed smart contracts addresses (optional)

-Please provide a list of all smart contracts your project has deployed on testnets and mainnet/L2's

-Pitch Deck (optional)

-Video Demo of your Product or a Pitch of your project (required)

-Record a video pitching your project or demoing your project. Videos should be no longer than 2 minutes

Brand Design Assets & Logos

In order for us to promote your project, we need some visual assets. Please

provide your logo and any other applicable brand assets. You can upload up to 3

files in the box below. (required)

Team Information

Please list all core contributors (Max 5). The first team member listed should be the

primary point of contact.

-Total team size (required)

-Team Representative Name (required)

-Team Representative Email (required)

-Team Representative Twitter (optional)

-Team Representative Discord (optional)

-Team Representative Telegram (optional)

-Team Representative Farcaster (optional)

-Team Representative LinkedIn (optional)

-Team Representative GitHub (optional)

-Team Representative ENS Address (optional)

-Team Representative ETH Raw Address (optional)

-Team Representative Bio (1500 character limit) (required)


If so, in most cases a "governance token" is not disqualifying, whereas other kinds of

tokens are.

Has your project launched or is planning to launch a token? Yes/No (required)

If you are launching or plan to launch a token besides a governance token: Can you

elaborate on what this token will be/is used for? (1500 character limit)

Development Stage

This round prioritizes early to early mid-stage projects that demonstrate innovation and

have received limited prior funding.

What stage is your project in? (required)





If N/A: Can you elaborate on why you've answered Not Applicable?

Explain the stage your project is in. (800 character limit) (required)

Additional Questions

-Please explain how your project is a part of the solution to the Climate crisis. (3000 character limit) (required)

-Please describe the why behind your project. Why are you building this project now? (3000 character limit) (required)

-If you received $100,000 tomorrow, how would your project use it to scale and grow? (3000 character limit) (required)

-How will your project scale its impact? What will your impact be in 5 years? 10 years? (3000 character limit) (required)

Roadmap & Milestones

Please include a written roadmap in bullet form and any graphics that illustrate this


-Describe your roadmap for 2025. (required)

-Share any additional graphics or files that can help us understand your project roadmap (optional)

Reputation and References

-Social Proof/Credibility Information - Development progress, awards, notable GitHub commits, testimonials, endorsements from recognized figures in the field, or a history of successful project completions

-Please include any references we can contact about your project. Name & Email (Max 3)


-What existing partnerships do you have and how will additional funding help to grow these partnerships? (1500 character limit) (required)

-Please share more details about the partnerships. (1500 character limit) (required)

-Have you closed any additional partnerships in the past you would like to tell us about? (1500 character limit) (optional)

Metrics & Revenue

-Do you have existing users? If yes, how many? (optional)

-What was your 2024 revenue? (required)

-What is your revenue to-date? (required)

-If you haven’t made any revenue yet, how are you planning to do so in 2025? (optional)

Funding, Sustainability, and Budget Transparency

-Provide a financial overview of your project, including current funding sources and the total amount of funding you’ve raised so far: (800 character limit) (required)

-What is your Ideal Funding Goal for 2025? (required)

-Minimum Viable Funding needed to be successful in 2025? (required)

Impact & Milestones

-How do you define impact for your project? What metrics are you tracking? (1500 character limit) (required)

-Share your project impact metrics and results: Tell us about the 2-3 most significant project impacts/milestones to date. Please be specific and use metrics and Please include relevant links. Examples: Amount of Carbon sequestered, kW of solar installed, Etc.(3000 character limit) (required)

-Upload any additional documentation related to your impact (optional)

Funding Rounds

NOTE: To be clear, what we mean by "funding rounds" in this context is NOT whether

your group will require more funding rounds to continue operations, but whether your

project will run funding rounds or distribute funds to your user population—i.e., give

them money by repurposing our funds.

-Does your project plan to *run* funding rounds (vs. continuing to NEED more

funding rounds to continue the project) or distribute funding? Yes/No/Maybe


Final Questions

-Anything else you'd like us to know? (1500 character limit) (optional)

-What can the Octant or CCN team help you with? (1500 character limit) (optional)